Modern Pranic HealingAs years rolled by I was concentrating more on the work and less on the self development, I was going through stressful conditions in office. Work as not exciting as before.
I felt I should change jobs. I moved to Hyderabad with the job change. At Hyderabad my good friend Aditya Gaiha was residing at Hyderabad for already 5 years. After reaching and settling down in Hyderabad, we used to meet often and discuss many things. He mentioned that we could learn cpranic healing and he has seen a board which mentioned about teaching it. I was very excited about it. We took his car and started to search the area where he say the board. When we reached the building which used to house the foundation. They said that Pranic Healing Foundation has moved to somewhere else. I was disappointed as they weren’t able to give the exact address or location. I went up to see if there are any phone numbers where we could call and find out the address. There was a notice which gave the numbers and the new address. immediately we went there and found out the office was very near to my friends quarter itself. the next class was supposed to be conducted 1st weekend of the month. But it was canceled. Then next weekend was a Telugu class. I didn’t know Telugu as I had just arrived. The instructor started off pleasantly in English and moved to Hindi and finally started using Telugu. The grace of Grand Master Chao Kok Sui was flowing and I could understand the concept even though I didnt have any clue what was being said. The book also was very useful to understand the science.