“Cords from previous lifetimes: When the body dies, the soul is shedding the body, the emotional body, the mental body. The information, all the lessons learned by the soul, are saved in the seeds – in the heart (physical data), solar plexus (emotional data – any emotion), pineal gland (mental data – any thought). The soul takes the information from these 3 hard drives into the higher world. When it decides to come back, it first brings down these 3 hard drives, and the angelic beings open up these 3 blueprints and create the conditions from the previous lifetimes. A new body, a new emotional body, a new mental body are created. If there is a trauma from a previous lifetime and has not be removed or lessons that have not been learned yet, the angelic beings will recreate the trauma in the chakras. What the soul is doing is transferring data from one lifetime to the other, so the cord you may feel from another lifetime or negative energy, it’s not the same as before, but it contains the same information. When this happens, don’t get emotional or upset, it’s just leftover data that has not been processed. As you deal with it, goes away but as you get upset it’s like throwing kerosene on fire. When you disintegrate cords from previous lifetimes you are disintegrating the negative patterns, that’s why the spiritual teachings are so important, because you understand life from the perspective of the soul. Each lifetime is like a day at school for the soul.”