I humbly invoke for the Blessings
of the Supreme God,
All the holy gurus, Holy Masters, spiritual teachers, saints,
Archangels, holy angels and spiritual helpers for
divine Light, divine guidance, divine Love,
divine help and divine protection.
With deep gratitude, respect and love.
Thank You!
In full faith! So be it!”
“To the Supreme God,
All the holy gurus, Holy Masters, spiritual teachers, saints,
Archangels, holy angels and spiritual helpers.
Thank You for Your divine blessings!
With thanks and hi full faith! So be it!”
1. Do not do the Superbrain Yoga 2 days before, during and 2 days after menstruation.
2. Do not overdo the Superbrain Yoga to avoid or minimize possible physical health problems like:
• insomnia
• overheating of the body
• weakening of the body
• pain and discomfort
• skin rashes
Keep the physical and energy body clean to minimize possible health problems.
• smoking
• excessive alcohol intake
• addictive or hallucinogenic drugs
• eating pork
• eating fish with no scales such as eel and catfishNote: The physical and psychological conditions of each practitioner vary. Therefore, the author and/or his organizations will not be held liable for any adverse effect arising from the practice of the Superbrain Yoga.
If any discomfort or adverse effect is experienced, the practitioner is advised to stop the practice immediately, either temporarily or permanently.
Superbrain Yoga
Copyright (C) 2005 Master Choa Kok Sui
ISBN: 971-0376-06-3